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Information Evangelest or PsyOps CIA Front - Avenge Assange Operation

If the Internet gets flaky (remember there is an executive order KILL SWITCH that was proposed)  and the server farms shut down - in this sort of scenario what would happen to the price of silver and gold?

Zero Hedge reports:

PirateBay Joins Cantona, Seeks Vendetta On PayPal As International Hacker Community Vow Revenge On Bankers, the site that is a global hub for hackers and "free film" aficionados everywhere has officially joined the Eric Cantona plea for a bank run, which Zero Hedge first broke over three weeks ago, however compounding the initial premise with that of PayPal lock out. The reason: suddenly Assange has become the martyr saint of the global hacking community, which in the past 24 hours has manage such exploits as crashing the web site of the Swiss bank that supposedly froze Assange's account. And if there is one thing worse than a (now arrested) Australian with a lot of deep throat sources, it is the global hacker community which has just made the international banking system its number one enemy. Expect to see many DDOS attacks on your "favorite" bank portals, coupled with substantial downtime in your neighborhood ATM.
