"Day of Rage" protests in Saudi Arabia scheduled for today may create political upheaval and chaos, possibly resulting in the interruption of Oil production. Fears of the world's largest producer and exporter of Oil shutting down, even briefly, has driven the price of Oil per barrel over $100. Recent unrest throughout the Middle East has been steadily driving Oil prices, but a revolt in Saudi Arabia could be a game changer that tips the world in crisis. As early as yesterday evening reports of violencehad already begun to surface and drive settling prices back up again.
Gold & Oil - A historic relationship of close alignment
If you examine the graph to the right you can easily see the close alignment relationship of Gold and Oil over the past decade. The graph illustrates the percentage increase you have seen in Gold and Oil since January 2000. If Oil prices rise, inflation may also rise as Oil has a significant impact on consumer prices. Gold has historically provided some protection against the crippling effects of inflation and the devaluation of the dollar. Many investors have used Gold as one way to protect their assets. Take this opportunity to diversify your financial position by taking advantage of our attractive premiums on quality fine Gold products.
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