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Ship With $260 Million of Silver Hunted by Odyssey

Odyssey aims to salvage Gairsoppa’s cargo from beneath as much as 14,000 feet (4,270 meters) of water amid surging prices for silver, which has more than doubled in the past year, and gold, which rose to a record last week. The company recovered 17 tons of gold and silver coins in 2007 in an Atlantic Ocean operation it codenamed Black Swan. It also plans to hoist treasure from at least five other ships, including HMS Sussex, which sank in 1694 near Gibraltar and may hold gold that the New York Times has estimated is valued at as much as $4 billion. 

Shipwrecks that lie deep in the depths of our seas have long since drawn treasure hunters in search for their precious lost cargo. In 2007, Exploration and salvage company Odyssey Marine Exploration the ‘Black Swan’ shipwreck with estimated value of $500 million in coins.